We provide convenient, relevant content to meet the specific CPE requirements of CMAs, while also helping you boost your professional competence. Our course topics include ethics and leadership for CMAs, professional conduct, internal audit and regulatory review courses.

Unlimited access to all CPE courses. One low price.

10,000+ credit hours of highly-practical content, in packages that match your needs and your budget.

Controller/CFO Update: Hot Topics Facing Today’s Financial Professional (TCF4)

Learn the latest issues that CFOs and controllers need to know about.

The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues (CGPT)

Get a comprehensive overview of federal payroll taxes, Form 1099, and related compliance issues.

Integrated Planning, Forecasting, and Budgeting for Organizational Success (PLF4)

Learn to bring planning, budgeting, and forecasting together into one fully aligned process.

New courses

Ins and Outs of Health Savings Accounts (HSA2)

Led by HSA expert, Roy Ramthum, learn about the many rules and complexities of HSAs.

Addresses changes to auto and energy-related credits from the new Inflation Reduction Act.

2022 Year-End Tax Update and Planning (YT22)

Covers 2022 business-related tax changes and new developments resulting from new legislation, IRS regulations and pronouncements, and court cases.