Becoming a CPA is the dream of many working professionals, but the thought of getting back to studying and preparing for the exam can seem daunting. Luckily, adaptive learning technology is paving the way for working professionals to study more efficiently and pass the exam in a shorter amount of time than traditional study methods. We’ll go over four reasons why adaptive learning technology is great for working professionals and how you can utilize it to pass the exam.

1. It builds off your foundation

As a working professional, you’ve been in the industry and worked hands-on with accounting concepts. With traditional study methods, you’ll have to go over concepts you already know as consistently as concepts you don’t. Adaptive learning technology breaks this barrier by gathering information about what you already know and applying it to a study program. Surgent’s predictive AI technology uses the Assessment phase to gauge where you’re proficient, and builds a program that focuses on weaker areas, helping you study more efficiently.

2. It has a smaller time commitment

By focusing on weaker areas and building off your foundation of knowledge, adaptive learning technology represents a significantly smaller time commitment than traditional study methods. As a working professional, you likely have obligations on a daily and weekly basis, leaving a small amount of time for study each day. Through a traditional study method, this means longer stretches of time studying for each exam. But with Surgent’s predictive AI technology, you can spend less than half the amount of time studying for each exam, which translates to a faster return to an exam-free life.

3. It plans your path for you

As a working professional, you already have a busy schedule. Throw the CPA Exam in there and you not only have to find time to study, you have to create a solid study plan to keep up with material. Adaptive learning technology takes the stress out of getting to the study table by building review around when you’re available.

Instead of sitting down and building a study plan out of thin air in an Excel sheet (or even more old school, on a sheet of paper), you put in the date of your exam and when you’re available to study each week, and the study planner tailors each day of studying to your specific needs. Not only does this keep you on a consistent study path, it ensures you’re studying the right material at the right time.

4. It gives you confidence

Getting back into studying can seem tricky, but taking an exam years after being out of school is terrifying. Negative thoughts can drag you down and make you feel like passing the exam is a pipe dream, but adaptive learning technology can help. Surgent’s predictive AI technology features ReadySCORE™, which allows you to see how you’re performing. Students with an overall ReadySCORE of 75% or more pass nearly 90% of the time. Just knowing your ReadySCORE can give you the boost you need to go into each exam prepared and confident.

If you’re thinking of getting back into the study game, consider Surgent’s predictive AI technology and how it can help you reach your goal of becoming a CPA.

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Megan Bierwirth graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and passed the CPA Exam within six months of graduation. She worked in both public accounting and industry while becoming a CPA and now runs a virtual bookkeeping company focused on preventive, integrative and complementary medicine professionals.