The first quarter of the 2017 CPA Exam has ended! If you took the exam, how well did your CPA Review course prepare you? We talked to two students who took the 2017 Exam after studying with Surgent CPA Review, and both said they were well prepared.
Torie Sutton, who sat for REG in Q2 2017, tells us after testing on the 2017 CPA Exam and studying with Surgent CPA Review: “I really knew the concepts and understood the materials.”
Sutton says that as early as the first testlet, she realized that Surgent had really gone above and beyond in preparing her. Find out why by watching her video:

Cam Mirkhani, who sat for FAR in Q2 2017, tells us: “Surgent’s adaptive learning is helpful because it targets your weaknesses.”
Mirkhani says he was able to study for the exam in far less time than he’d predicted. Find out more about why Surgent’s course worked for him in his video:

Want to learn more about Surgent CPA Review? Sign up for a free five-day course trial.
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