Rather than reviewing concepts and course material, Surgent exam coaches help you learn how to study and test smarter.  

Surgent 1-on-1 coaching

Much like SAT-prep, coaches help you build study and test-taking strategies based on your individual course progress. The result:  

  • more powerful study sessions
  • less time spent studying
  • smarter answering strategies on the exam

The Surgent coaching difference 

Here’s how our coaches stack up against traditional tutors:  

Surgent exam coaches Other exam tutors 
Efficiency is the primary focusCourse material is the primary focus 
Help understand what to expect on the exam Help understand what to expect on the exam 
Help select which order to take each section Help select which order to take each section 
Help develop study skills to increase the power of each study session Answer questions about course content 
Teach answering strategies based on your personal practice exam results Not helpful for exam candidates who already have a strong understanding of material 
Improve study/testing focus and endurance 
Help reduce errors on the material you already know – meaning you can spend less time studying new material 
Full surgent support

Who would benefit from a coach? 

  • Full-time professionals who need help achieving study/life balance 
  • Experienced accountants who know the material and need to enhance their test-taking skills 
  • Exam candidates looking for a change, whether they failed a section or are switching providers 
woman smiling at laptop while learning
young black woman smiling at laptop

The Surgent coaching process 

Coaching sessions are quick but effective. Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Three (3) 20 to 30-minute sessions per exam section 
  • Easy online scheduling with the choice of a phone call or Zoom meeting 
  • Analyze your course progress and results to build a personalized plan of attack 

“With the support of my coach, I was able to develop a tailored 10-week study plan that took into account my work and family schedule, allowing me to maximize my time and focus on the areas where I needed the most improvement. My coach also provided one-on-one counseling, advising me on specific areas to focus on and helping me put aside material that I had already learned.”

Lorena A.

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