Accounting certifications are tough. That’s no secret.

And they feel even more so now, with the uncertainty surrounding everything from testing dates, to what social distancing precautions will be in place. But nerves will impede your test-taking strategy, and that’s why taking time to appropriately prepare for the exam is one of the most crucial elements.

But there are other things to consider to ensure success on exam day. Take a look at our tips for dealing with exam day nerves below.

1. Know your strategy. Nailing your strategy ahead of exam day is something we strongly recommend. This involves knowing the scoring model, and where your effort matters when it comes down to it.

At Surgent, we offer one-on-one coaching with some courses, and best-in-class customer service in all. So, if ever you’re in doubt, studying with Surgent allows you to pinpoint that strategy with expert recommendations.

2. Call ahead, or follow online for guidance. As guidance towards social distancing is chopping and changing so frequently in some areas right now, we recommend that you keep an eye on the Prometric site for the latest. In some cases, you may even prefer to call ahead – but be aware that there may be long waits when you do call. Having the reassurance of knowing what to do in this uncertain time will take one stress off of your plate.

Plus, it can help you to prepare. If, for example, you must wear a mask or face covering in your Prometric then it may make sense to sit for a practice Exam with your course provider before the big day while wearing your mask.

3. Make use of adaptive software in your exam prep. A big part of the exam day Fear stems from going into the exam blind. You think you’re ready but are you?

That’s why you should choose a course with adaptive technology and an exam readiness Indicator, such as Surgent’s ReadySCORE™. With this tool, you’ll know exactly what you could score if you sat for the exam today (to 99% accuracy).

4. Remember, you know this. It can be easy to doubt your knowledge, especially when it’s something that you’ve built up in your mind as candidates often do with the CPA Exam. But you’ve studied for four years for this, you’ve spent countless hours on your review course for this, you know this – now go show them you do!

Exams are always going to be scary, but with the proper preparation and ample study, you have nothing to worry about. Start a free trial with Surgent today for EA, CMA, CPA, CISA or CIA.